We caught up quick with Finn Westbury to talk, Twist. The new vid is premiering this Friday, August 25th in Calgary. Click for details.

Last year you were involved with SRD in putting out Recreational Use, but Twist is not an SRD video, correct? Do you wanna explain the connection and disconnection between the two?

Yeah, I'd love to. Going into this year me and JJ, Tom, Lucio and Kennedi knew we wanted to film something. It didn't really feel SRD from the start just cause people like Jack Lawrence and Connor Felix and Josh Powell, guys who we were snowboarding with in SRD for years, weren't filming with us. We didn't want to take SRD and make it into something with just us. SRD is more of a snowboarding crew versus being a video.

What's up with Kennedi Deck? Why were you so hyped to film with her this year?

She's from Grand Prairie, G.P. and she came down here to Calgary a couple years ago and has always been trying to film shit. We had a couple clips of her in Rec Use, she's just a really good snowboarder. It's cool, it's cool to see her killing it and it’s a first-hand look at the youth of Canadian female snowboarding. ... I feel really good about the future, for her and hopefully, other females can look at this part and look at the parts she's gonna film in the future and be like, "Yo, we can get it too!", "let's do it!"

And how have things progressed for you guys in the last couple seasons?

Yeah, I think we just learned so much every single year that we've filmed a video, and since we're always driving everywhere, we're always scoping spots and stuff and especially in Calgary last year we had some really good snow pretty early in the season. and everybody says Calgary's burnt or I mean triple flat like what else, you know? We've all hit those spots but this year we definitely went out of our way and put the time and effort into finding some new shit and I'm hyped to show people that.
When we go to Quebec, the past couple years we've been meeting up with our homie Phil Trifiro, he's such a G, Phil is similarly like minded, he puts in the time and the effort to find new shit. So it's super refreshing to be able to go to Quebec also it's cool to have somebody who can take you to a spot that you don't need to switch back lip it, you can just fifty it and it's new and it's cool. You know what I mean?

Yeah. Right, where else did you travel to film for this vid?

We spent some time in the BC Interior, which is cool. We got some Vancouver stuff down. Lucio actually ended up quite a bit in Vancouver with (Matt) Heneghan and Russel. Shout out to those boys for sure.

Lucio & Tom

So you've been putting videos together and putting in work. What are some of the struggles in getting a video like this together?

Man, a lot of time and effort goes into a video. Even just a short little park edit. You put time and effort into it and you're like, "It's done”. Then it just feels so much more real when you've put a whole winter into a longer video. It’s just time-consuming and it's always kinda hard to get people on the same pages sometimes. I feel like this year everybody was more involved. Smaller vibe kinda, it just felt like everybody was more attached to it and I think when it comes out, it’ll feel a little better.

So for people who cannot make it to the premiere in Calgary this Friday, when and where can they look out to see this thing?

On the Internet this fall. That's pretty much all that we're saying. I'll just plug into @TwistThevVideo on Instagram. Hit that up and that'll be the key to success if you want to watch it.


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