Calgary Balance Premier

Words: Stephanie lake

Photo: Liam Glass


The Globe Cinema welcomed many when the doors opened in Calgary on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 for DCP’s The Balance Movie.

While a steady stream of premiere attendees started piling into the seats, the hum of anticipation when the lights went down was high. One scan of the crowd revealed an eclectic mix from the regular premiere crowds in Calgary: old-school surfers with weathered faces, skaters and little shred groms, with their parents by their side, all of whom waiting to see what Balance had in store, and it wasn’t surprising since the premise of Balance was not your ordinary movie.

Balance—what can be said really, it’s something that DCP explains in the intro as what we are all seeking out in our daily lives: where we are the happiest with what we’re doing, living and our overall well being.

Featuring distant locales such as Costa Rica, Japan, Russia, and some not so distant like Whistler, Nootka Island, B.C. and highly sough after Baldface Lodge and Eagle Pass Heli in Revelstoke, there was no shortage of footage with a staked lineup of riders to support the message of Balance.

Skating, surfing, snowboarding—it was a visual cascade on the big screen of what we all love and enjoy the most in life when we take the time to get out of our daily grind, put down our devices and enjoy life.

When the main man himself DCP rolled onto the theatre stage with Balance artist and no stranger to Calgary, Mark Kowalchuk by his side, the hoots and hollers were a plenty as he spoke about the journey and the message of creating Balance.

After all the prizes were given, prints were signed, those who were legal to partake rolled over to the after party at Local 510 where the booze flowed and the stoke was shared as the countdown to opening days, storm season and future sessions began.

Big thanks to The Source, and Brett Sandford for hosting a great event and spreading the good vibes.

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