
63 cover 1

Y O U  C A N  S A Y  W H A T  Y O U  W A N T

Wow! My first King Snow cover. I’m so hyped! I've been shooting

with Crispin [Cannon] for a few years now and every trip we go on

together we joke about getting a cover. Last season, I remember saying,

''We gonna get a cover this year, Crispin.'' It’s pretty funny that it

happened. Thanks for the love, boys!

It's December 23rd and I'm home in Québec City. There's about 20

centimeters of snow on the ground. Tomorrow and the next day we

are supposed to get 50 millimeters of rain. Is it just me or is rain in the

winter the most annoying thing? It shouldn't exist! I feel like it's happening

more and more over the years. When I started filming video

parts, we were able to start filming in November, which made things

way easier. Last December, we got the coldest temperatures ever. We

were filming in Chicoutimi, which is two hours north of Québec City,

and we were handling some -25C to -38C temperatures everyday.

It was fucked up. This year is the complete opposite. December has

been really warm. I don't think I remember such warm temperature at

this time of the year. What's gonna happen next? A full season with

no snow? Hopefully we'll get some good conditions so we can all

enjoy it.

A lot of people are complaining about the winter here. People go

south to avoid the snow and the cold. You go to the grocery store and

it's dumping out, and you can hear people saying, “I hope it's gonna

stop soon. I hate winter.” Or, “I might go to Cuba next week.”

I think people don't realize how lucky we are to have four seasons.

There's so much cool things to do in the winter. Close your TVs, computers,

cell phones, and go outside and enjoy winter.

Thank you so much for this cover! I appreciate it. I saw this spot in

Alex Beebe’s part from Take it Easy, the Quiksilver video. I saw the

potential of doing a double line, so I wanted to go. It’s in this little village

called St. Ferdinand. There’s a school, a church, and this random

building with the big staircase. The speed was pretty hard to figure

out between the two rails and it took me a few tries to figure it out.

One time, I unlocked my Noseslide too late and dropped down to the

down bar from pretty high up and my board smashed. We called it a

day because it was getting late.

I went back a week later and when we got there it was snowing

pretty hard, so it wasn’t working for the follow cam. We went back

a third time a few days later and I finally got my line after only a few

tries. It was a good teamwork. It felt really good, especially after putting

all this work. I was really stoked to go home with a shot.

See the footage in the new Déjà Vu video project, dropping Fall 2015.

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