Pabst & The King Snow Party Aftermath

The Toronto Snow Show. On a weekend where it was 22 degrees in the sunshine it all only seems to make sense when it’s tied up tight with a kickass party. Last weekend Pabst and King Snow turned it up to 11 to celebrate snowboarding. The Manboys Mark Sollors and Jody Wachniak kicked things off with their heater of a film. Followed by the secret world premier of the Union Binding team movie, STRONGER. Then the legendary DJ Skratch Bastid flicked matches at a gasoline soaked dance floor till the early hours of Sunday.

Everyone who plowed through the doors of the Opera House that night was handed an icy cold PBR, just for showing up. Then those cans kept coming 'till someone said ‘uncle’.

Thanks to everyone who came out to kick off winter and show some love for snowboarding. All of the sponsors Pabst, Skullcandy, Union and the Manboys. See you all again next year!

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