Stomping Grounds in Saas Fee, Switzerland has become an annual jump-off for the worlds best and most decorated. The tune-up camp offers something rare in the world at this moment. Perfectly manicured park features, cold quality snow, and quarantine free arrivals *if you're travelling from Canada. Our own Joseph Roby was on the scene taking photos and indulging in Aperol. Check the pics and try to stay patient, winter is coming soon.

All Photos [o] Joseph Roby

Mark McMorris, Russell Chai with the follow

Laurie Blouin

Nick Laframboise

Jadyn Chomlack

Tyler Nicholson

Jamie Anderson

Mikey Ciccarelli

Liam Brearley

Mikey Ciccarelli

Darcy Sharpe

Derek Livingston

Laurie Blouin
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