It happened again. The "Suck My Sixth" Annual ECS Quarter Pipe Invitational. As always, it was held at the peak of Mount Seymour and the weather cleared up beautifully.
May 20th. Sixty some boarders had the time of their lives at the peak. The usual suspects were in the mix. Some mixed gin and tonic, and some mixed backside airs and horticulture, err I mean handplants.
This year's winner, Ben Bilocq, he set the pace with a solid variety airs, spins, and plants. Keenan Filmer, Marty Vachon, TJ Koskela, Popper Al, and Colton Conway were all ones to watch.
The show stealer, who was ineligible to win due to the rules of the event that state you can't win twice in 5 years, but just might have with what was easily the trick of the day. Nic "Horn" Heringa dropped jaws everywhere with a handplant at the very top of the log extension.
Congrats to everyone who made it up. Ben for the win, ECS for being the man, "Horn" for the plant heard round the world, and special thanks to North Shore search and rescue for their quick and professional response to an injured ripper.