World Ski & Snowboard Festival Best Clip Contest Presented By King Snow, Forecast & K2

In conjunction with the World Ski & Snowboard Festival (WSSF) in Whistler, B.C., our two-planked poled pirates Forecast Ski, and our good friends at K2, we’re proud to present the WSSF Best Clip Contest.


If you’re planning on being in Whistler during WSSF, grab a friend on Saturday, April 9th and/or Sunday, April 10th and film your best trick (max 6 seconds… bails, fails, and unique moves welcome!). Use your phone or whatever you have to capture the magic, providing it shoots 1080p. The standout snowboard and ski  submissions will then be edited together and played on the big screens at this year’s Intersection film contest on Friday, April 15th. The clip that receives the best overall impression from the judges will win $300 cash for Best Clip during the event itself, while you, our devoted fans, will get to decide the People’s Choice Award, who will take home a brand new snowboard and swag-bag from K2 Snowboards.

Here’s how to get involved…

Jody Wachniak getting clipped. PHOTO: Rob Lemay

Best Clip Contest

1) Register inside the Rendezvous Lodge on Blackcomb or the Roundhouse Lodge on Whistler on Saturday, April 9th or Sunday, April 10th between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. There is no fee to register!

2) Sign a waiver.

3) Pick up your distinctive wristband (which must be visible in the clip).

4) Submit up to 2 clips (with a maximum of 6 seconds each) to before 11 p.m. on Sunday, April 10th. Be sure to include the rider’s full name and contact info in the WeTransfer message.

5) As previously mentioned, the standout clips will then be edited together and shown in front of an audience of 1,500 people during Intersection at the Whistler Conference Centre, where one rider will be chosen as this year’s Best Clip based on the judges’ overall impression.

* Note that your tricks can be filmed anywhere on snow, and that registration is mandatory to compete. Clips must be submitted no later than 11 p.m. on Sunday, April 10th, and be filmed horizontally at 1080p x 1920p.

People’s Choice Award

During and following the conclusion of Intersection, you (along with the audience in attendance at the event) will have their say in who takes home the People’s Choice Award. To vote, follow King Snow on Instagram, and like your favourite clip. The clip that receives the most likes over the next 24 hours will win, and the rider will score a brand new snowboard and swag-bag from K2 Snowboards.


On behalf of everyone at Forecast, King Snow, the World Ski & Snowboard Festival and K2, good luck, and we look forward to seeing you and your clips during Intersection at WSSF!

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