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Jadyn Chomlack | By Jack MacDougall
Liam Gill | By Finn Westbury
John Leslie vs. The Spearhead Traverse | By Alistar Spriggs
"We encountered a route-changing avalanche, 100 km/h winds at the crux, frigid nighttime temperatures, and a prosthetic leg that didn’t want to stay intact all while hauling 60 extra pounds of camping and camera gear on our backs."
LESSONS • Mark Sollors | By William Fraser
"It’s important to remember that when someone else succeeds, you succeed too." —Mark Sollors
CATALOGUE • Jody Wachniak
The best-of-the-best, according to the snowboard culture evangelist.
"You’ll be confident snowboarding, but you’ll always have this insecurity about watching yourself."
HOW I SAW IT... | By Justin Kious
"The crowd was silenced as a stylish Backside 7 tail soared through the air to the bottom of the sweet spot in the landing."
2024 Hardgoods Preview
The greatest boards, boots, and bindings of the year. Start your wishlist. And check out our 'What's Good?' video reviews.
BEST STORY EVER • Ylfa Rúnarsdóttir
"These guys were not gonna wait on anyone. I buy myself a minute by asking them if I can borrow a pow surfer and a headlamp."
COMMUNITY CONNECTED • The Build Up | By Zuzy Roca
"The fun park was an amazing outcome and benefit, but it was not my main focus. So to see the impact, the confidence building and healing that happened for all of us was the best outcome I could have asked for.”—Abby Furrer