Maria Thomsen showcases style, talent, and love for the steel in her most complete and considered part to date. If this one doesn't impress and inspire, check your pulse.
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It was a strange winter, and you started filming for the video later in the season. Is it safe to say you filmed your part in only five weeks on the road?
That’s insane! Where do you get the drive to leave the family in Pemberton and grind out a video part on the road? Where do you get the motivation?
It’s the dream about filming the best video part. Every year, for me, my video part is what I put all my effort into. And every year, I want to film a better one than I did last year. I don’t know. It’s never enough, so you always strive to go harder the following year. I love other people’s video parts, and I know how much effort that goes into it. That’s what I’m excited about, to see what people filmed and to see how creative you can get.
What do people who haven’t filmed a part in the street not understand about the process?
There’s just so much. I mean, there are obviously injuries, getting kicked out of spots. There are snow conditions, and trying to find new spots. And I mean, you can’t film a video part on your own, you have to have a team behind you to support you. So it’s really important to have a good crew of people that want it as much as you.
You spent some time with Tommy Van, Bryce Bugera, Craig McMorris and with Seb Judge behind the camera this winter. How was the dynamic?
It was super sick. There was so much positivity. I’m really happy to work with everyone on the crew; they were super supportive and that means so much. Everyone put in work for each other and helped each other out and there was a good team spirit. Seb and I were the only ones in Quebec and holy—he was grinding just as hard as me. I was joking, telling him that I put him into ‘Maria’s Bootcamp,’ because it was just me and him building spots, setting up, filming.
“Maria also puts in the work. She was usually the first person to hop on a rail and probably shovelled harder than any of us. Definitely, the kind of person you want to ride street with.” —TOMMY VAN
Hell, yeah! Nice. Do you share your footage with your son, Tao? Does he get hyped on your parts?
Not so much! Not so much, no. I’m just his mom. I showed it to him and his friends before and Tao doesn’t say much, but his friend Matilda, she was like, “I don’t like that. No, you’re falling so hard.” But no, I’m not that cool. I’m just a mom to Tao.
I don’t think any parents are cool to their little kids. They’re impossible to impress.
It is true. And I try so hard.