Damn you, Nitro! You always seem to be having a way better time than the rest of us. Read the incomming communication from the source: 

We recently just finished an edit from our 4th annual NITRO Camp Good Times in Kaunertal, Austria. It is a camp where we invite regular snowboarders from all over the world to come snowboard, hang, play beer bong, skate, and enjoy the end of the season on the mountain together with our Pro Team. Together with Elooa Camps we are able to create an amazing end of the season session on and off the mountain. 
This year we had the camp at Kaunertal, Austria together with Nitro Pro Riders: Sven Thorgren, Benny Urban, Dominik Wagner, Ludvig Billtoft, Elias Elhardt, Marc Swoboda, Lucas (YungDolli) Baume, and many more. The Nitro Founders, Thomas Delago and Sepp Ardelt, were also at the camp with their families the whole week as well. The last night of the camp Tommy and Sepp brought back their Nitro band “The Almost Pretty Good Band” for a live 2 hour concert for all the campers - which was an epic experience for those who were there.
After hosting this camp for 4 seasons now it has become a joyful way to end the season each year together with Nitro Fans, Friends, Team, and Family!
For more information about how to join Nitro at next seasons Camp Good Times please check out:
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