Tomorrow World | A Snowboard Film by L1 Premium Goods
L1 presents 'Tomorrow World', a film showcasing their dialled-in international team. When regional favourites from around the world embark on a mission to the country-esque backdrop of Idaho and Montana, the video project has a tangible small town vibe to it that is refreshing from what else has been released thus far this fall.
It's worth mentioned the incredible variety of the L1 team. Canadian favourite Taylor Davies is in the mix alongside treasured euros Dom and Simon. The young American squad - Phipps, Cable, Goop, Denver, Ben, and more - join in with their more season counterparts Jmo and Sexton. Plus, getting legends Jeremey Jones and Christy Prior in to mix too?! Perfect.
House spots, twisted rural steel, and even some tasteful jumpin' clips - put on your cowboy hat and get the week underway.
Featuring: Dominik Wagner, Luke Lund, Justin Phipps, Simon Gschaider, Ben Egan, Joe Sexton, Taylor Davies, Brantley Mullins, Denver Orr, Jordan Morse, Caleb Kinnear, Hunter Goulet, Jeremy Jones, and Christy Prior.
A Film By: Morgan Jennings and Alex Pfeffer.
Documented By: Morgan Jennings, Alex Pfeffer, Ted Borland, Erik Olsen, Karsten Boysen, Kyle Schwartz, Justin Meyer, Nate Hanson, Brendan Berry, and Justin Phipps.
Produced By: Bob Plumb, Knut Eliassen, Andi Aurhammer, and Morgan Jennings.